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questionnaire for magazine TASK 9

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR MAGAZINE  1.) What age group its targeted at?                      10.) what name do you like the magazine to be? 10-15 __                                                             rampage __                                                 15-20 __                                                             fist of fury __ 20-25 __                                                             blaze __ 30+ __ 2.) What interests you into buy the product?            6.) what price range should it be? (fair) famous people __                                              £3-£5 __ brands names __                                              £5-10 __ advertisement __                                              £10-£13 __ general knowledge __                                      £15 __ 3.) What genre are you interested in?                       7.) what should the film magazine include? action __                                                             in
                                            Initial research for a new film magazine what makes magazines popular and famous Bright colours which attract the young audience                  title bold and clear  famous people to pull in customers focused on one main target audience . a famous quote  most magazines are branded by making known people  to be on the front cover to attract audience and to sell the product. Statistics shows that more than 71% people pick out magazines that is bright and colour full for exam Empire which has famous people on the front cover and has bright colours behind them as the background, recent which is targeted to young and older audience ranged 14+. Further more by quoting product it will also keep the product remembered and well know to people which buy more of the product making it stand out from the rest. In addition more customers looks for affordable prices so it needs to be in the correct price range to get people to
                                                                                                                                        About ME (AKASH) 1.) My full names akash sajeev i don't have a middle name 2.) Im 16 years old and my birthday is on the 29th october  2001 3.) I used to go lanfranc  4.) My hobbies are playing games and playing sports like football and cricket which i won award      for it. 5.) I hate flies because they invade my personal space  6.) Im very annoying at times  7.)  I've got 1 brother who's 21 now 8.) I use to go to a part time job now i don't 9.) My dream holiday is to go to California  10.) I revise by having long periods  11.) My favourite subjects is Art and Design  12.) My favourite sport football 13.) i dislike any food that involves mushrooms