
Out line of my film magazine (final)

Out line of my film magazines My magazine will focuses more on entertainment rather than informative. This is because most people now like the entertainment side of magazines and mostly skip informative, so decided my magazine will based on recent events and interests. By this I'll try add in more features like art to attract people into buying my product; for example comic art and by doing this my target audience will range from 16 to 24 year old's because they are ranged close to my age or around my age and I can easily link my ideas and like what I like and go forward with my ideas. The purpose                                                                                                                                               M y purpose of my magazine is to inform people and to tell them the up coming movies by the advertisement and interview I'll be adding to my magazine. I'm also doing this so I can also get information what people (young people) lik

Out line of my film magazine (draft)

Out line of my film magazines My magazine will focuses more on entertainment rather than informative. This is because most people now like the entertainment side of magazines and mostly skip informative, so decided my magazine will based on recent events and interests. By this I'll try add in more features like art to attract people into buying my product; for example comic art and by doing this my target audience will range from 16 to 24 year old's because they are ranged close to my age or around my age and I can easily link my ideas and like what I like and go forward with my ideas. the purpose my purpose of my magazine is to inform people and to tell them the up coming movies by the advertisement and interview I'll be adding to my magazine. I'm also doing this so I can also get information what people (young people ) like nowadays and I can easily get more people attracted next time when I release my next magazine. I picked action and comedy because most people

commercial radio recap (FAYE)

the list that follow can be To make money advertising their products hosting events and competitions selling new cast sponsored conceit REGULATOR ASA is 1 regualtor which they can take down or change their advertisement they can also water shed meaning showing stuff after 9 pm another one is off-com radio centre they regulate the script so they can broadcast their product main feature of ads to persuaid to sell to inform TECHNIQUE pun shock Maslow's hierarchy physiological needs - food/drink/sleep and relief from pain  safety - security  love and belonging needs - friends/family and part of a group  self-esteem - respect/confident and self worth  self actualisation needs - for potential/discovery your truth and justice in your life value messages for example buy one get one free or love hurts

my purpose of my magazine TASK 2

The purpose for my magazine I made a magazine that features action because right now in the market people are more interested in that specific genre and im also doing it because the most box office hits this year was avengers and based on that i did my work on mainly action. I also chose this because im interested in action movies especially anything that is based of as comic or books and I grew up reading so I liked doing something based on my interests. My questionnaire helped me by seeing what my readers are interested in and also proved action is the most popular genre now.

Advertisement TASK


my article TASK 5


interview TASK 6
