Out line of my film magazine (final)

Out line of my film magazines

My magazine will focuses more on entertainment rather than informative. This is because most people now like the entertainment side of magazines and mostly skip informative, so decided my magazine will based on recent events and interests. By this I'll try add in more features like art to attract people into buying my product; for example comic art and by doing this my target audience will range from 16 to 24 year old's because they are ranged close to my age or around my age and I can easily link my ideas and like what I like and go forward with my ideas.

The purpose                                                                                                                                             My purpose of my magazine is to inform people and to tell them the up coming movies by the advertisement and interview I'll be adding to my magazine. I'm also doing this so I can also get information what people (young people) like nowadays and I can easily get more people attracted next time when I release my next magazine. I picked action and comedy for example get Chris Pratt and Tom Cruise to star in my magazine because most people like those two genre combined and the 2 iconis stars so I'll base my work over making my magazine popular because films and books now follow this genre so I can pull more customers to see my magazine. But the main reason why people do work is for money so I'm trying to entertain my audience and at the same time trying to earn money

. (from google images)

The production                                                                                                                              Production will go towards the crew so basically the people that I will interview containing the main attraction to my magazine. On the other hand props and other visual need is not necessary so I'll plan to spend less on it and spend more on the crew and cast; I'll have film actors to interview for my magazine and the actors such as Tom cruise and Chris Pratt 2 of the most recent up coming actors that i will interviewing and will be  relevant and inform my audience because my magazine will mostly be on interviews and advertisement for up coming films such as Avengers:Endgame (Chris Pratt stars in) or I'm planning to release my magazine every 1 to 2 weeks so my audience will be up to date and plan the next visit to buy my magazine; this is because i don't want to stretch it out over 3 weeks making them losing interest in my work by waiting and wasting their time on my magazine to come out. I also don't want it to release straight after 7 days otherwise they'll get bored of the same content and dragging it out with the same model and structure but if I have time I can plan more interesting content and adding new feature to my magazine, making it positive for two sides products.

Marketing                                                                                                                                                 I would make my magazine a reasonable price being £1.20 because its not too much or too less; in my research most magazine is ranged from £1 to £2 so I'll put mine low so its affordable but not too cheap an the places that I will target to see my magazine will be local shops because that's were most people shop at and states say more than 73% people are more likely to by news paper, comics and magazines so I can get money by vesting in local shops and getting more audience for my magazine
it would come out every monthly so it would have information that can lead on to the next month so they will be persuaded into buying the next one making us more money and profit by leading people on to buy next months magazine.

Meaning                                                                                                                                                I'm trying to entertain people and make people like my personal content by using my interview and advert to give them relevant information and news. This is because I want to let my audience know what is up in the cinemas and a insight on who's playing in it and what's it about


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