commercial radio recap (FAYE)

the list that follow can be

To make money
advertising their products
hosting events and competitions
selling new cast
sponsored conceit

ASA is 1 regualtor which they can take down or change their advertisement they can also water shed meaning showing stuff after 9 pm another one is off-com
radio centre they regulate the script so they can broadcast their product

main feature of ads
to persuaid
to sell
to inform


Maslow's hierarchy

  1. physiological needs - food/drink/sleep and relief from pain 
  2. safety - security 
  3. love and belonging needs - friends/family and part of a group 
  4. self-esteem - respect/confident and self worth 
  5. self actualisation needs - for potential/discovery your truth and justice in your life
value messages for example buy one get one free or love hurts


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